Author Archives: Pablo
Kernal Land
Recently I was asked to write an “OS device driver” a.k.a. Linux kernel driver, or as I came to find out, really just a kernel module since there was no hardware involved. After locking up my system completely twice (glad … Continue reading
HackerRank “BASh Recursive Trees” Solution
This BASh script was written during the process of solving the Functions and Fractals – Recursive Trees – Bash! problem on Hacker-Rank. Yes it is slight overkill for that problem, but adds neat interesting features that no sane developer should … Continue reading
Home-Made Hobbit Leakdown Tester
Recently my Hobbit PA50ii blew a crankcase bearing.. Fun Stuff! So I was forced to either ditch my heavy, powerful motorcycle, or fix it. I chose the latter. After some fun times on (closest shipper to my town and … Continue reading
Quick-n-Dirty Mobile Browser Regex Test
<script type=”text/javascript”> var rege = /Amstrad|Android|AvantGo|BlackBerry|Blazer|Brew|Cricket|Danger|DoCoMo|Elaine|Gamma|HD7|HP iPAQ|HTC|IEMobile|iPhone|iTunes|j2me|LG[/\-]|Linux arm|Mobile|MOT-|MSIE|Nintendo|Nitro|Nokia|nook browser|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi|Palm|PDA|phone|PLAYSTATION|PS2|Samsung|Sanyo|SEC-|SonyEricsson|Sprint|SPV|Symbian|SymbOS|Tablet|Teleca|Trident|Tungsten|Vodafone|WebPro/i; var is_mobile = rege.test(navigator.userAgent); </script>
Give Your Web Services a REST
REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. A REST-ful web service is one that emphasizes the ideals of the REST architecture – flexibility (scalability & generality), low coupling (client and server can manage their resources however they want as long as … Continue reading
JAJavaSSS: Just Another JavaScript SlideShow
Lately I’ve been working a lot with modern JS frameworks like JQuery, MooTools, and Prototype. Coming from a procedural programming background the emphasis on anonymous functions, chaining, and some other things took some getting used-to. Although these frameworks are powerful … Continue reading
ssh-keygen, ssh-agent, ssh_config, and their password-less buddies
Like most command-line habitués, I’ve been using SSH and it’s buddies (scp, rsync, svn+ssh, sftp, vpn, tunneling), since around the time I wrote my first #include “stdio.h” main(){printf(“hello world\n”);} , and just got used to typing in username/password pairs every … Continue reading
Diff’ing Data Needles Across 2 MySQL Haystacks
Recently I needed to compare a specific set of tables in two MySQL databases on a remote system where I did not have Admin privileges (but DB user credentials). Both databases had the same structure, just some different data. I … Continue reading
Player Driver Howto
Here are some rough directions for adding a new driver to the CVS source-tree for Player/Stage. Although these are specific to the “roboteq” driver they should work for other drivers. “…” in a code block means lines were omitted for … Continue reading
DLP-RFID1 usb id 0403:fbfc in Linux
This device reads and writes RFID tags. It is made by DLP Design and uses a serial-to-usb converter (Future Technology Devices International, Ltd). Kernel 2.6.20 already includes a driver that will work with this (usbserial and ftdi_sio), but my DLP-RFID1 … Continue reading